Grey Bobbins
Alnico Magnets
Staggered Relic'ed Pole Magnets
Kool Green Thick 3 Ply Green/Black/Green Pre CBS Spec Custom Shop Pickguard.. Instead of the traditional White 69 Strat's had...
I parted a $4,000 street price 2013, 1969 Fender Closet Classic Reversed Headstock Limited new Strat.. These are high end parts here... no one parts a New 2013 C-Shop... but here....:) Assembly electronics feature a modern 5-way switch wired to vintage sounding Custom Shop �69 Strat pickups. The middle pickup is wired in a reverse polarity so you get noise cancelling strat sounds in position 2 and 4, this is a feature currently not available with the �69 Strat pickups making this an even more unique instrument.