The Tele Sold.. Only Got Strat left as of 11-12-2014
1968 Pink & Blue Unreal Rare Fender Strat & Tele Both Have 1-3/4" C Width Nut Neck This Price is Firm, Bank Wire Only.. Unless you pay Paypal fees. And it does not include shipping. The Paisley Tele came from Ronnie Montrose, The Blue Flower Strat came from Dan Shinn (of Lays Guitar) as his personal Strat he made for his daughter.. She drives now and likes money for her car..:)
These have 1-3/4" C Width FAT BIG Necks.. Nothing like you ever seen or played, and Can Not buy a Fender Strat with this Big & Wide A Neck!
Call my shop (218) 879-3796 (central time zone and don't call late.. I do have a life..) for all info, if for real. I
get you the Never Seen before Great Guitar's... and I prove
If you don't know of Dan Shinn.. he is a unreal well know Luthier and great honest guy. If He build a Guitar for himself, and his only kid.. You can bet it is Unreal.. I mean scary good unreal! I have no reason to lie or build stuff up.. I am a 1 man show, and if I got a rep of bull day job been over along time ago... I just love Great Tone, and with getting older now, I like stuff No One else has or even had a chance to purchase.. It's call live it, don't talk it..:)