This has been in my stash for some time.. No words needed.. You know this is The Best From The Best!
This John Cruz 1958 Masterbuilt was Made for a Professional Player and was endorsed by Fender for a number of years.. I like to think if you are of this earned stature in life, Fender most likely build you a little BETTER than a John Doe that can order a Masterbuilt Strat Or Tele and wait 3 to 3-1/2 years to get it... and pay up front for Fender to put you on the list..
This Body Is One Of One Ever Made. Also this is a 1 Time Chance to own a part of Fender History... In the End.. Fender was wrong letting John go, and politics and people stuck on dumb.. ( Fender, not Cruz) are all around us in today's world...
Below is the original owner and my friend telling me about this body before I purchased it from him
Ordered this in 2004 when JC was the premier relic guy in the industry. Took 3 years plus for it to arrive in my hands, after I ordered Fender quit taking orders for JC because he was so far backed up and doing the artist SRV/MAYER/GARY MOORE models amongst this beast. The reason I parted it out was I put the neck on my 51 Nocaster because the neck was huge and wanted a Danny Gatton vibe, the neck fit the look and feel of my Nocaster perfectly so that is why the body was seperated from the neck. The neck decal on the back of the headstock with JC signature matched the JC637 on the certificate. No idea why the numbers of JC522 on the body and JC637 on the neck. I am the original owner and I special ordered to vintage route specs for the body as well. Control cavity is vintage spec where the front is different and the rear of the control cavity is not round, easy way to tell a real vintage tele body. Does not have the RELIC stamp in the wood either.....This is not an off the shelf item, special order for weight, neck size etc. Body Weighs 4lbs. 2oz.