PRE CBS Tweed with Gold Liner
All latches & feet and handle there. No smells*****
Sale is for the Fender Tweed case Only.. Pictures with my guitar in the case is for to give you the look..:) I don't know how to put it, the old days are gone. 1950's and all Fender Pre Cbs is dried up, the internet has done this. Every item that leaves the USA 99.9% never comes back into the States. Anyone finding, purchasing to include my shop (me) any 50's original Stratocaster's or Telecaster's... THEN parting them, out to sell as parts, for people who are out to restore, or make your guitar period correct are gone. If I need to go find and purchase a Tweed case to make a 58, 59 Fender guitar look and be as it was when it left Fender 60+ years ago. It is not going to happen. On the internet or in 98% of the Vintage shops I go to.