KEVIN McKinney is the Lead Singer Songwriter.. with the bands SOULHAT & FASTBALL
Austin TX Legend Pro Owned 1983 Lake Placid Blue Fullerton 1962 USA RI Fender Strat
This Strat is 100% but a Pro Re Fret I mean pro fret job!
None go into maple. Edges all smooth and hand filed rolled nice at ends. Bone Nut made perfect. It was Pro owned and gigged with. This is as CLOSE As you will Ever get to a PRE CBS Strat, without the Price. Made in a the Old School Fender Fullerton Plant. In early 1985 Fender moved to Corona CA. CNC Machines, Computers, Mass production.. You get my point...This Strat was made with same machines as when Leo Fender Started building Strat's in 1954
The Lake Placid Blue Nitro has faded to the COOLEST Greenish Color Ever...
Neck was built by J Torres.. He has built many of the Greatest Fender Necks and has been working for Fender since PRE CBS..
Neck Date 1--6-83
Pot date 8248, so that is 48th week 1982
Has a 5 Way.. (thank you on that.. sorry I hate 3 ways)
The magnets are all North Polarity.. Alnico staggered magnets, Black Bobbin, Cloth Wired.. Just like PRE CBS
Bridge Reads 5.78k
Middle Reads 5.88k
Neck Reads 5.77k
Weight is 7.5lbs
Neck is a C Shape kind of on the thinner side. BUT NOT thin thin and don't dwell on that. All 62RI Fullerton and 57 have a on the thinner size necks. Has a wide feel to it and 1-5/8" Nut
Of Coarse neck and body are NITRO. Look under the pick guard, back them cover, neck plate.. This is the COOLEST Lake Placid Blue honest fade, played out to have other hear the Tone it makes. No relic, This is a Real Deal Find. Has some case candy. Now the case fits the bill and wear as the Strat, but does not have the duck foot on glove box. In my opinion the case is original to the Strat. I'm not going on a 5 hour look at the web and see when Fender got ride of the duck. The Strat has Mojo.. Bell Tone... Vide... Bragging Rights... Famous Owned AND PLAYED.. I didn't really look on the web to see if I could find a pic or two with Kevin playing it with 1 of his 2 Very well known bands in concert. On the phone he's a cool reg guy.. Just doing what he loves and is blessed.. It was Prom played. Pro taking care of. Pro maintained... It plays like Butter!:)
I bought this from Austin Texas Own legend.. Lead Singer Songwriter :Kevin Mckinney of SOULHAT and FASTBALL*****